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Bases: BaseModel

Image element.


Name Type Description
image Image

The image element.

metadata Metadata

Metadata of the image element.

Source code in parsestudio/parsers/
class ImageElement(BaseModel):
    Image element.

        image (Image.Image): The image element.
        metadata (Metadata): Metadata of the image element.
    image: Image.Image = Field(..., description="The image element.")
    metadata: Metadata = Field(..., description="Metadata of the image element.")

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    def validate_image(cls, image):
        if not isinstance(image, Image.Image):
            raise ValueError("The 'image' key must be a PIL Image object.")
        return image

    def validate_metadata(cls, metadata):
        if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, Metadata):
            raise ValueError("The 'metadata' key must be a Metadata object.")
        return metadata


Bases: BaseModel

Metadata of the element.


Name Type Description
page_number int

The page number where the element is located.

bbox List[float]

Bounding box coordinates of the element.

Source code in parsestudio/parsers/
class Metadata(BaseModel):
    Metadata of the element.

        page_number (int): The page number where the element is located.
        bbox (List[float]): Bounding box coordinates of the element.

    page_number: int = Field(None, description="The page number where the element is located.")
    bbox: List[float] = Field(None, description="Bounding box coordinates of the element.")

    def validate_page_number(cls, page_number):
        if not isinstance(page_number, int):
            raise ValueError("The 'page_number' key must be an integer.")
        return page_number

    def validate_bbox(cls, bbox):
        if not isinstance(bbox, list) or len(bbox) != 4 or not all(isinstance(i, float) for i in bbox):
            raise ValueError("The 'bbox' key must be a list of 4 floats.")
        return bbox


Bases: BaseModel

Parser output.


Name Type Description
text TextElement

The text element.

tables List[TableElement]

List of table elements.

images List[ImageElement]

List of image elements.

Source code in parsestudio/parsers/
class ParserOutput(BaseModel):
    Parser output.

        text (TextElement): The text element.
        tables (List[TableElement]): List of table elements.
        images (List[ImageElement]): List of image elements.
    text: TextElement = Field(None, description="The text element.")
    tables : List[TableElement] = Field(None, description="List of table elements.")
    images: List[ImageElement] = Field(None, description="List of image elements.")

    def validate_text_element(cls, text_element):
        if text_element is not None and not isinstance(text_element, TextElement):
            raise ValueError("The 'text_element' key must be a TextElement object.")
        return text_element

    def validate_tables(cls, tables):
        if tables is not None and not all(isinstance(i, TableElement) for i in tables):
            raise ValueError("The 'tables' key must be a list of TableElement objects.")
        return tables

    def validate_images(cls, images):
        if images is not None and not all(isinstance(i, ImageElement) for i in images):
            raise ValueError("The 'images' key must be a list of ImageElement objects.")
        return images


Bases: BaseModel

Table element.


Name Type Description
markdown str

The markdown representation of the table.

dataframe DataFrame

The pandas DataFrame representation of the table.

metadata Metadata

Metadata of the table.

Source code in parsestudio/parsers/
class TableElement(BaseModel):
    Table element.

        markdown (str): The markdown representation of the table.
        dataframe (pd.DataFrame): The pandas DataFrame representation of the table.
        metadata (Metadata): Metadata of the table.
    markdown: str = Field(None, description="The markdown representation of the table.")
    dataframe: pd.DataFrame = Field(None, description="The pandas DataFrame representation of the table.")
    metadata: Metadata = Field(..., description="Metadata of the table.")

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    def validate_table_md(cls, markdown):
        if markdown is not None and not isinstance(markdown, str):
            raise ValueError("The 'markdown' key must be a string.")
        return markdown

    def validate_table_df(cls, dataframe):
        if dataframe is not None and not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame):
            raise ValueError("The 'dataframe' key must be a pandas DataFrame.")
        return dataframe

    def validate_table_metadata(cls, metadata):
        if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, Metadata):
            raise ValueError("The 'metadata' key must be a TableMetadata object.")
        return metadata


Bases: BaseModel

Text element.


Name Type Description
text str

The text element.

Source code in parsestudio/parsers/
class TextElement(BaseModel):
    Text element.

        text (str): The text element.
    text: str = Field(..., description="The text element.")

    def validate_text(cls, text):
        if not isinstance(text, str):
            raise ValueError("The 'text' key must be a string.")
        return text